About the Art - imageo

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Artist Statement

My work shown here, might look like a very divergent aggregate in a wide variety of media. It does however follow a number of interwoven themes and methods that I have been investigating over the past decades.  I see the importance of unearthing something deeper that transcends time and the medium used.  My works are more an archetypal memory of things and concepts, with a surface and use of media that might surprise you.  

I am increasingly convinced that people are being deprived the inspiration and calming effects of nature and art. Instead they can become mesmerized by the many distractions of modern life.
Self Portrait in Words

At the start of 2015 I began establishing an extended work place for my art, becoming an artist in residence at large in nature. I became a geo-eco artist to better describe the themes I work with at the time. Practicing my art in such a large space has been great but very few people get to see and appreciate my work. So I find I need to reach back into the modern world, to maintain the connections to the various spheres of the internet, cafe culture, galleries, other artists, e-publishing and social media. I'm not sure i like the swipe left swipe doen speed of the place. However,  I trust I can share my works and  insights on the very screens that are already distracting so many. Better still bring the patterns of nature back onto walls, and into everyday living.

The COVID19 lock-downs, eye surgery and a few other frustrations may have slowed my output of finished artworks recently but has not discouraged my creativity.

I am still leading an occasional series of PhotoWalks about "Photography with an Artist's Eyes" in conjunction with MAPh the Museum of Australian Photograph (watch their Whats On section)

Norm Hanson,  August 2023

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