Art Tips & Tricks
Over the past couple of decades, i have been Bloging, YouTubing and leaving some neat tips, trick and technique descriptions all over the place on the internet.. I've decide to bring together a few of the more popular topics by linking to the original post from here. A few post are a bit old and clunky but serve the purpose.
Have a look around, dont be afraid to leave comments and suggest improvements.
#Postcard #Watercolour
This is a collection about creating your own watercolour postcards, sending in the post and suitable materials
BLOG: Does Size Matter?
YOUTUBE: Watercolour Postcards older video but hopefully still infornative

Make your own Dot Charts
#DotChart #PaletteDotChart #Watercolour
This is a collection about creating your own circular colour-wheel style Dot Chart for watercolour paints, that can be very useful for plein air sketching.
REELS: My Mini Sketcking Kit
INSTAGRAM: Elevate your Colour Game
#TripodEasel #PortableEasel
I have been making my own feild easles for a while, Slowly refining and simlifying the setup. There are advantages and disadvantages to some designs. They are presented below inthe ordre nextest to oldest.
BLOG: Tripod Easel version 2.1